Saturday, 8 January 2011

paint job

As with all specials, you start off with an image and then you create that inage. Then you change your mind, add anopther paret, change your mind again.

Any way this is my latest idea.

Drab green tank, matt black, orange writing, red speed blocks. White and orange stripes on top.

matt black front mudguard, satin black seat with white and orange stripes.

crap PS image


  1. Looking great! Hopefully you'll keep updating the blog, thanks for the ideas and inspiration. I'm helping my son build and XS400, he's leaning towards cafe at this point.

  2. yea, I was bringing the blog up to where I am ATM. but hoping to finish it this year.

    why not head over to there is loads of info for you there.

  3. My son is already registered there and I went and registered today as Black12, very cool place!

  4. nice one mate, seen your intro
